While meeting his first grandchild and her parents at the airport, Owen watched as they struggled to exit the plane with their cumbersome pram. It was here that his revolutionary idea was born: a folding "baby buggy".
Drawing on his experience engineering the retractable aluminium landing gear of the Spitfire aeroplane, he set about creating the first "umbrella fold" baby buggy: the B-01.
Child transport was changed forever.
While meeting his first grandchild and her parents at the airport, Owen watched as they struggled to exit the plane with their cumbersome pram. It was here that his revolutionary idea was born: a folding "baby buggy".
Drawing on his experience engineering the retractable aluminium landing gear of the Spitfire aeroplane, he set about creating the first "umbrella fold" baby buggy: the B-01.
Child transport was changed forever.
En attendant l'arrivée de ses petits-enfants en avion pour une visite familiale, owen observa sa fille s'empêtrer pour sortir de l'avion avec une poussette lourde. Ce fut alors que l'idée révolutionnaire d'owen est née : une poussette pliable pour le bébé.
Avec un châssis rétractable en aluminium de l'avion spitfire, owen a créé la première poussette pliable, la b- 01, révolutionnant ainsi le transport des bébés.
Als Owen auf die Ankunft seiner Enkel wartete, die mit Flugzeug zum Familienbesuch anreisten. bemerkte er wie seine Tochter sich mit dem schwerfälligen Kinderwagen zu kämpfen hatte. In diesem Augenblick wurde Owens revolutionäre Idee geboren: ein faltbarer Kinderwagen. Owen benutzte Ideen der Entwicklung des Einziehfahrwerkes und des Aluminium-Rahmens des Spitfire Flugzeuges um den ersten faltbaren Baby Buggy zu kreieren, der B-01 Kinderwagen. Damit hat er den Kinder Transport für immer verändert.
In attesa dell'arrivo della visita dei suoi nipoti che arrivavano in aereo, Owen vide le difficoltà che aveva sua figlia per scendere dall'aereo con la sua carrozza. Fu in quel momento che nacque l'idea rivoluzionaria di Owen: un passeggino piegabile. Disegnato a partire dal carrello anteriore di alluminio retrattile presente nell'aereo Spitfire, Owen creò il primo passeggino piegabile, il B-01, rivoluzione definitiva nel trasporto dei bambini.
Esperando la llegada de su nieta en avión en una visita de su familia, Owen vio como su hija tenía dificultades a la hora de sacar y transportar la silla. Fue entonces cuando la revolucionaria idea nació: una silla plegable.
Basándose en el tren de aterrizaje retráctil y aluminio de la estructura del avión Spitfire, Owen creó la primera silla plegable, el B-01, revolucionando así para siempre el transporte de niños.
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