

"There is no such thing as a mobile internet, and the same should hold true for the web page a user views and on the device in which they view it. More and more people are going mobile, and so should your site — but don't forget about the desktop users as well — responsive design allows for this, and properly implemented will create a user experience that matches the user."

Obsessively Passionate

My passion for web development started almost 3 decades ago when I first taught myself how to code and then combined that with my background in art. Starting out as a designer/developer – it would be a decade before I transitioned over to development in a job where I could grow professionally. I thrive on finding solutions where others say "...it can't be done..." or "...it's impossible to do...".

Talented Experience

I am a talented, experienced and accomplished usability-driven web developer/engineer of 30 years with a strategic focus on the user experience and front-end development, combined with a deep understanding of what users want, and the experience they expect when accessing any website. I am a Director of Web Development, but more so I am an interactive developer and digital strategist.

Measurable Results

Building off my experience and background I have found new ways to deliver content, which produced measurable results that translated into successes for my clients. One client, I had modified my approach in how I develop a site to be responsive, and my methods had helped optimize their marketing campaigns that saw an increase of sales by 25% in less than a month of usage.


Projects Done


Satisfied Clients


Cups of Coffee


Awards Won

It's What I Do

Through my career, I've developed web solutions and solved problems for many clients, including Consolidated Edison, GE Consumer Finance, Xerox, Seiko, Heineken, Eastern Mountain Sports, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Maclaren and LaserPerformance.

I thrive on finding solutions where others say "...it can't be done..." or "...it's impossible to do...". With that, I possess a strong passion for web development and developing ways to entice users to interact with the web sites I create. Starting around 2006 I had developed several techniques which 'sniff out' the user's device to determine if the device is a phone, a tablet or desktop computer then returns the appropriate layout. With the onset of Media Query usage in CSS, I now focus my attention on adaptive layouts which allow for a single layout to be used across any device, regardless, and scale the layout to fit the appropriate dimensions of the window view.

Strategic Thinking
Process Improvement

Somewhere out there,
your clients are trying to find you!

Trying to find the right web developer on the internet
is like driving at night with your headlights off.

Clean Design

The last few years web design has changed dramatically. Putting responsive web design and web font revolutions aside — modern design trends have rapidly moved away from skeuomorphism to using a flat color scheme and web typography has gotten much larger. Emphasis has been put on content-first with page-load speed becoming a key factor in determining the success of your site.

Web Development

Web development is the building and maintenance of websites; it's the work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless user experience. Web developers, or 'devs', do this by using a variety of coding languages. Consider it another entry point to your brick and mortar business.

Market Analysis

Knowing which tools to use is only the first part of the competitive website analysis process. You also need to know what information you should be looking for and how to use it to gain a competitive edge. Using analytics to better understand your competitors is the first step to understanding your user demographic in relation to your website.

User Analysis

User-driven analysis is a type of website analysis that involves collecting and evaluating data from, and about, website users to create a better experience for them. By cultivating a deeper understanding of your users, you can tailor your website and services to better address their wants, needs, and goals. Effective user-driven analysis can lead to an improved user experience, more website traffic, and increased conversion rates.


High-quality photography is critical in capturing and engaging the attention of your online audience. Professionally shot, recent photos of your team and location help you build trust online. A library of high-resolution images including event photography, lifestyle photography and corporate photography empowers both your digital marketing strategy and your website's visual storytelling.

Strategic Analysis

SWOT analysis is becoming a common technique used by business minded people nowadays. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, this analysis is a kind of method used to understand these four elements. By doing a SWOT analysis, I will have an idea on the four elements. And after having enough data about each one of them, this will become a guide on the decisions that will be done for your website.